Page:Vol 4 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/66

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opposed the three fiscales, Francisco Xavier Borbon, Ambrosio Zagarzurieta, and Francisco Robledo, all of whose opinions and votes were read before the junta. The eldest inquisitor denounced the proposed convention as seditious.[1] The oider Miguel Bataller looked to Villa Urrutia to reply to the objections, upon which the oidor Aguirre proposed that those favoring the junta should confine themselves to the discussion of five points, namely: the authority to convoke it; the necessity of so doing; the benefit to be derived; the persons who should compose the congress; and whether their votes should be decisive. The city procurator-general, Agustin Rivero, then boldly stated that although the syndic could only represent the plebeian element, he himself, from the nature of his appointment, could be the representative of the other classes. This caused additional commotion. The archbishop at once expressed his utter disapproval of such a claim, while others also vociferously denounced it. And he said further: "If such dissension is occasioned by the simple suggestion, to what extent will matters go if it be realized?" He then declared himself opposed to a convocation, although he had previously been inclined to favor it. While discussion was at its height, a voice was heard: "If the municipalities are not convoked they will assemble of their own accord." By some this bold speech was attributed to Rivero.[2] Meanwhile the viceroy maintained an affable demeanor toward all. He even condescended to explain that he had been informed that some of his expressions at the last junta had caused offence, had been regarded as a threat against certain members; and thereupon he declared that his language was only

  1. 'Sostendré’, he said, 'que tales juntas son por su naturaleza sediciosas ò à lo ménos peligrosas y del todo inutiles.' Rev. Verdadero Origen, no. ii. 38.
  2. 'Pero como el señor fiscal de lo civil, Zagarzurieta, redarguyera al instante aquella proposicion sediciosa. . .y siguiera el confuso murmullo, quedo sin apurarse.' lb.; Hernandez y Dávalos, Col. Doc., i. 632.