when his regiments were almost at its gates, by a band of civilians led by a wealthy farmer. [1]
No sooner had the successful chaquetas lodged their prisoner within the walls of the inquisition, than they summoned the archbishop, oidores, and other authorities to council, and demanded the deposal of the viceroy. By six o'clock in the morning of the 16th their decision had been given. Iturrigaray had been deposed, and the mariscal de campo, Pedro Garibay, appointed as his successor ad interim. At seven o'clock a proclamation to that effect was posted on all the corners of the capital by order of the archbishop as president of the council. [2] Then followed arrests of the ex-viceroy's principal partisans, and other individuals suspected of revolutionary tendencies. Verdad,
- ↑ For a concise outline of Iturrigaray's administration, and the course of action which led to his downfall, see Hernandez y Dávalos, Col. Doc. Indep., i. 643-52. The document here used was published Nov. 9, 1808, and commented upon by the oidor Aguirre. Cancelada, the editor of the Gaz. Mex., xv. 687, thus holds up to praise the action of the merchants and their dependents: 'La Nueva España sabrá con el tiempo lo mucho que debe á todo el Comercio de Mexico por esta accion, la cual se executó sin efusion de sangre:. . .Así se sabe portar la Juventad (sic) española reunida para exterminar los malvados y proteger los hombres de bien.' Cancelada published this extra number of his gazette without having submitted it to the revision of the oidor decano as required by law. Garibay reprimanded him, and ordered him to call in all the copies issued. Guerra, Hist. Rev. N. Esp., i. 222-6. Consult Yermo's account of the viceroy's deposition addressed by him to the Spanish junta. Hernandez y Dávalos, Col. Doc., i. 655-60.
- ↑ A copy of the proclamation is found in Gaz. Mex., xv. 679-80. It in forms the inhabitants of Mexico that 'El Pueblo se ha apoderado de la Persona del Exmô Señor Virrey: ha pedido imperiosamente su separacion por razones de utilidad y conveniencia general: han convocado en la noche precedente a este dia al Real Acuerdo, Illmô Señor Arzobispo, y otras autoridades: se ha cedido á la urgencia, y dando por separado del mando á dicho Virrey, ha recaido conforme á la Real Orden de 30 de Octubre de 1806, en el Mariscal de Campo Don Pedro Garibay, interin se precede á la abertura de los pliegos de Providencia.' At eleven o'clock Garibay, according to this government organ, was recognized by all the government authorities. Id. The oidores in their report to the junta de Sevilla, dated the 24th of September, represented that on the 17th preceding the people demanded that the pliego de providencia should not be opened, but that Garibay should continue at the head of the government. In accordance with this wish, the opening of the pliego was deferred. In Cavo, Tres Siglos, iii. 239-42, is a copy of this report, Lizarza gives a very different reason. He states that it was presumed that the successor to Iturrigaray appointed in the pliego was the Marqués de Someruelos, the governor of Habana; but that the audiencia were anxious to have at their head Garibay, an octogenarian, to direct in such a crisis, and who would offer no opposition to their views and measures. Discurso, 6-7.