Page:Vol 4 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/754

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On the 12th the junta,[1] in proof of the nation's gratitude to Iturbide, appointed him a yearly salary of $120,000, having previously conferred upon him the rank of generalissimo of the army and high admiral.[2] The title also of 'His most serene highness' was bestowed upon him,[3] and to his father, José Joaquin, were granted the honors and salary pertaining to a member of the regency.

While his own aggrandizement was thus secured, Iturbide naturally took care that the army should meet with a corresponding recognition of its services, and, as generalissimo, laid before the regency a list of promotions which he considered desirable. The regency approved his proposal and decreed the appointments without hesitation.[4] At his suggestion, also, two medals were struck off and distributed to the army; but as a distinction in merit was observed by the difference of metals, and the colors of the ribbons with which they were worn,[5] a jealousy was

  1. It now styled itself La soberana junta provisional gubernativa del Imperio Mexicano. Gac. Imp. Mex., i. 71.
  2. 'Generalísimo de las Armas del Imperio de mar y tierra.' His salary was to date from the 24th of February, the day on which he proclaimed the plan of Iguala. With becoming modesty, Iturbide, in tendering his thanks, disclaimed all title to the salary corresponding to the period from that date to the 23th of September, amounting to $71,000, and resigned it for the benefit of the army. The regency ordered this act to be published, in order that the empire might have additional proof of the 'elevated patriotism and sublime virtues of its liberator.' Gac. Imp. Mex., i. 71-4. Somewhat later the sum of $1,000,000 was granted him, and 20 leagues square of the government lands in Texas. Owing to the course of events, these grants were never carried into effect.
  3. 'Pero en los escritos que se le dirijan se omitirá la antefirma para conservar esta distincion á la regencia.' Dublan and Lozano, Leg. Mex., i. 500. He was consequently addressed in official documents 'Serenísimo señor.'
  4. Pedro Celestino Negrete was made lieut-gen.; Anastasio Bustamante, Luis Quintanar, Vicente Guerrero, Manuel de la Sotarriva, and Domingo Estanislao de Luaces, maj.-generals; Melchor Álvarez, José Antonio Andrade, Marqués de Vivanco, and Manuel María Torres Valdivia, full brigadiers; Nicolás Bravo, José Joaquin de Herrera, José Antonio Echávarri, Miguel Burragan, Joaquin Parrés, and Juan Horbegoso, brevet brigadiers; and Luis Cortazar, Agustin Bustillos, the conde de San Pedro del Álamo, and Epitacio Sanchez, colonels. Promotions of subalterns and lower grade officers were to be effected later on the recommendation of the superior chiefs. Gac. Imp. Hex., i. 93-7; Empleos Milit.
  5. The design represented two worlds disunited, the chain with which they had been previously joined being broken. The modal bore the legend, Orbem ab orbe solvit. One medal was bestowed upon those who had adopted the plan of Iguala during the period from March 2d to June 15th, the other