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miento was, therefore, importuned to obtain from General Dávila an assurance that his future course would be so regulated as not to expose the lives and property of the inhabitants to danger.[1] Dávila, however, paid no attention to the representations made to him, and in pursuance of his previous plan retired on the night of the 26th with the few troops he had to the castle, taking with him the heavy artillery, ammunition, and stores, as well as the funds in the treasury, amounting to $90,000. At the same time he authorized the ayuntamiento to treat with Santa Anna, who was now approaching. The ayuntamiento at once appointed Colonel Manuel Rincon governor ad interim to arrange for the capitulation of the town. Santa Anna entered Vera Cruz on the 27th, and on the same day the ayuntamiento passed an act recognizing the independence.[2] Rincon was retained in his position as governor. A few days previous to this event Iturbide had received the gratifying news that the Yucatan peninsula had declared for independence, the oath having been taken in Mérida on the 15th of September.

As yet the oath had not been administered to the ayuntamiento, tribunals, and corporations of the city of Mexico, and the 27th of October having been appointed for the occasion, the ceremony took place with unusual solemnity. The form of oath exacted not only observance of the plan of Iguala and the treaty of Córdoba, but also the recognition of the soberana junta and obedience to its decrees.[3] The same cere-

  1. For copy of the consulado's representation, see Gac. Imp. Mex., i. 145-55.
  2. Id., i. 126-7. Santa Anna seems to have been somewhat outreached by Dávila. According to a despatch of his to Iturbide, dated Oct. 18th, he held a conference on that day in Vera Cruz with Dávila, who assured him that he would capitulate. So confident was Santa Anna that he writes: 'Aseguro á V. E. que dentro de ocho ó diez dias tremolará el pabellon Mexicano en la plaza y castillo de Veracruz.' Id., 92.
  3. I copy the form verbatim from the bando published on the 13th: '¿Reconoceis la Soberanía de este Imperio representada por su Junta provisional gubernativa? ¿Jurais obedecer sus decretos, observar las garantías proclamadas en Iguala por el Ejército del Imperio Mexicano con su primer Gefe, los tratados celebrados en la Villa de Córdoba y desempeñar fielmente vuestro en-