Id., Col. Leyes y Dec., 1847-8, passim; 1850, 9-13, 34, 85; Id., Col. Leyes y Dec., 1848, i. 7-19, 70-3, 104-6, 128-9, 153-6, 257-65, 282-3, 684-708; Id., Col. Ley., Dес. у Órd., 1850-1, і. 3-6, 28-9, 42-3, 77-8, 83-90, 114-16, 127-32, 143-4; 1853, iv. 26-7, 33-4, 51-2, 66, 345-6, v. 87, 217-18; Busto, Estad. Rep. Mex., iii. 1st pt, 263; Rivera, Gob. de Méx., ii. 208, 339-40, 352, 357-60, 369, 372, 404, 422, 496, 544; Id., Hist. Jalapa, iii.-iv. passim; Id., Méx. Pint., i. 24-6, 49-51, 205-6, ii. 258-65, 430-4; Couto, Tratado de Paz, 1-48; Arrillaga, Recop., Enero-Abr. 1849, 21-40, 50-76; Mayo 1849-Abr. 1850, 8-12, 26-7, 70, 105-6, 151-2, 185-90, 228, 252-3, 266-7; Ripley's War with Mex., i.-ii. passim; Santa Anna, Contest. Oficio, 1-12; Id., Comunic. Ofic., 1-11; Id., Manif., 1-12; Id., Despedido, 1-23; Id., Apel. al buen Criterio, passim; Id., Á sus Compat., 6, 18; Id., Detall, 1-48; Arroniz, Hist. y Crón., 274-306; Id., Biog. Mex., 261-4; Alaman, Hist. Méj., v. 876-8; Rangel, Tercera Brigada, 1-9; Derecho Intern. Mex., 1st pt, 193-258, 2d pt, 167-9; Rayon, Asedio y Def., 3-268; Arrangoiz, Méj., ii. 279-95, ap. 3-6; U. S. Govt Doc., Cong. 30, Ses. 1, Sen. 52; Sen. Repts, passim; H. Ex. 1, 40, 56, 59, 69; Id., Cong. 30, Ses. 2, H. Ex. 2; Id., Cong. 31, Ses. 1, Sen. 11; H. Ex. 24; Acts and Resol., p. 124; Id., Cong. 32, Ses. 1, Sen. 51; Sen. Rept, 28; H. Jour., 93; Id., Cong. 34, Ses. 1, Sen. 96, 103; Sen. Rept, 32; Id., Cong. 35, Ses. 1, Sen. Jour., 555; Id., Cong. 41, Ses. 2, Sen. Misc. 74; Id., Mess. and Doc., 1847-8, ii. 949-52, 1303-10, аp. 1-236, index, 234-6; Мéх., Меm. Hасᵈᵃ, 1870, 283, 297-9, 1044-7; Id., Mem. Relac., 1848, 35-8; 1849, 1-47; Id., Mem. Just., 1852, 6-7; Id., Mem. Guerra y Mar., 1849, 8-12; Id., Album Fotog., ii. 13; Id., Bienes Iglesia Guadal., 1847, 1-38; Id., Breve Impugn., 1-20; Id., Contest., 1-36; Id., Código Fund., 1-92; Id., Contrato Armam., 1-37; Id., Dictám., 1-37; Id., Al Pueblo Mex., 1-36; Id., Decr. de 16 de Dic., 1-7; Id., Decr. Minist. Guerra, 1-13; Id., Espos. por los que firmaron, 1-27; Id., Manif. Sup. Trib. Guerra, 34-8; Id., Reglam. Corso, 1-23; Id., Tratado de Paz, 1-53; Id., Tratado Guad. Hidalgo, 1-28; Id., Proyecto Ley, 1-121, 3 shts; México en 1840 y 1847, 1-40; Estado Mayor Gral. Ejér., 1-8; Est. Un. del Norte, Las Noticias, 1-12; Estrada, Defensa, 1-32; Pacheco, Expos. del ex-Ministro Relac., 1-29; Dunbar's Romance Age, 40; Miscel. Instr. y Am., i. 180-98, ii. 269-82; Colima, Impugn., 12; Rodenbough's 2ⁿᵈ Dragoons, 135-7; Heller, Reisen in Mex., 285-7; America, Pict. Hist. of, pt ii. 68-100, pt iii. 5-8, 43-50; Webster's Speeches; Otero, Comunic. sobre Negoc. Diplom., 1-12; Diario Exact. Mex., MS., 1-68; Bolet. de Notic., Apr. 8, 11, 1847; Azpiros, Código Extranj., 150-83; Observac. Parecer Fiscal, 1-21; Ahrens, Mex. und Mex. Zustände, 72-81; Carleton's Battle of Buena Vista, app. 215-32; Perez, Dicc. Geog., i. 106-10, 493-7, ii. 12-28, 442-88, 684-701; Rouhaud, Régionz Nouv., 28; Oswald, Californien, 133; Hernandez, Estad. Mej., 234-5; Furber's Volunteer, 329-32, 455-6, 487-91, 517-640; Henley's Speech Mex. War, 1-8; Wise's Los Gringos, 253-61, 277-8; Mex. War, Compl. Hist. of, 68-103, 120-8; Mex., Treaty bet. U. S. etc., in Mex. Pamphlets, iv. 1-384; Murray's Pict. Hist. U. S., 478-90; Mex., Official List Officers, etc.; Mex. Scraps, ii. 265 et seq.; Mex., U. S. Army in Mex., MS., 1-4; Id., Hist. Raising Flag; Mexican War, by an English Soldier, 137-214, 234-88; Mexican War and its Heroes, passim; Gregory's Hist. Mex., 48, 78-80; Hansard's Parl. Rec., lxxxix. 606, xciii. 381; Lane's Autobiog., MS., passim; Thorpe's Army of Rio Grᵈᵉ, 184-7; Dicc. Univ. Hist. Geog., i. 49, v. 157-9, vi. 314-15, viii. 559-70, ix. 35-44, 134-9, 854-9, х. 106-13, 450, 790-7, 961-1030, ар. і. 210-13, 248-60, 427-9; Cutts' Cong. Cal. and New Мех., 10-11, 29-67, 165-94; Вaqueiro, Ensaуо Yuc., ii. passim, iii. 456-70, ap. 98-101; Brocklehurst's Mex., 77-8; Tributo á la Verdad, 1-143; El Razonador, May-June, Oct.-Dec. 1847, Jan.-Mch 1848, passim; Amer. Alm., 1849, 193-7; Cuba, Battles of, 49-53, 68-103; Ober, Mex., 41-2, 467; Taylor's Broad Pennant, 287-330, 372-97; Livermore's War Mex., 82-102, 122-56, 168-87, 204-27; Sherman's Mem., i. 83; Marquez de Leon, Mem. Póst., MS., 8-13, 41-5, 48-9, 245; Taylor's Biog.; Taylor and his Staff, 81-90, 113-25, 167-94, 206-74; Taylor and his Gen., 298-318; Dem. Review, хxiv. 152-4, ххvi. 244-51, 340-7, 417-25, 540-7, ххх. 193-202, 244-50; Donavan's Advent., 1-127; Zerecero, Rev. Mex., 75; Miscel. ó sea Colec.,
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