Page:Vol 5 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/817

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conservative element; while the gradual spread of education and liberal ideas serves to lessen and control the dangerous elements among the masses, and to bring the needful training and self-restraint. The federal system is therefore well enough for Mexico, and time and experience are alone needful to fit her for its design and scope

The primary obstacle and mistake lie in exaggerated ideas of liberty, interpreted as license, with might as right. The people copy the letter, not the spirit, of the United States constitution; and disregarding as they do the relative duties of states and general government, the letter only hampers the administration. They grasp too readily at any plausible project without weighing its value and ulterior effect; and, unguided by leading principles, they neglect to carry out its commendable features with any degree of reasonable consistency. The people of the United States are men of order, who wait patiently till judge or ballot shall decide a question. The wide-spread interest among all classes, in houses, land, savings banks, is an element that binds them to such order. In Mexico climatic influence and indolence of character tend to diminish the importance of home, with its all-modifying influence, and hinder the acquirement of property among the masses. Having, therefore, less to risk, they hesitate less in yielding to the appeal of turbulent and designing leaders, who feel no compunction in plunging the country into tumult and civil war for the attainment of private ends. Impetuous by nature and impatient under restraint, they are readily fired by flaming and plausible outcries to turn against the salutary and corrective limitation of reform, allowing no time for testing its value or letting it take root.

Warned of the looming danger, and observing the heterogeneous and discordant elements among the people, the conservative party, composed mainly of the wealthy and privileged classes, begins early to take