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Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/184

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Doblado's forces in May, the Vidaurrists had again risen in Nuevo Leon under Quiroga, who kept the remnants of Juarist forces busy. At the same time the advance of imperialists uder Mejía and Castagny, the former north ward into Tamaulipas, the other by way of Saltillo, obliged a division of the Juarist forces,

Operations in the North-east.

with a view to check the invasion at certain approaches, notably at Angostura.[1] Quiroga, assisted by Inda-

  1. Of Ortega's forces there were 500 at Monterey and 1,500 at Saltillo, Naranjo stood south of this point, Quesada had 1,000 men at Salinas, and Patoni was approaching with reënforcements. See also Arias, Reseña, 9-29, and Leg. Mex., Corresp., 1865-6, 53-4.