Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/685

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The 10th of October, 1870, the Tehuantepec and Nicaragua Surveying Expedition sailed from the city of Washington, bound for Mexico, its object

    Mex.; Id., Escrit. Divers., 1-72; Gregory's Hist. Mex., passim; Groso MS., 1-32; Sartorius, Import. Mex., 1-154; Payno, Cuent. Gast., 719-21, 916-21 Wapp's Mex. and C. Am., 1-170, passim; Shepard's Land of the Azt.; Siliceo, Mem. Fom. Col. Ind., 86-98, with L, vi. 1-30; L, ix. 3-31; La Sombra de Moctheu-zoma, nos. 2-6, and 8; Stephens' Yuc.; Busto, Estud. Rep. Mex., i. pp. xii.-xix., xxxvii.-xl., lxxix.-lxxxi.; Becher, Mex., passim; Beaufoy's Mex. Ilustrat.; Brocklehurst's Mex.; La Cruz, i. 56-62, 108, 417-22, 477-9; Semanario Polít., ii. 49-56, 293-304; Sosa, Biog. Mex., passim; Tovar, Hist. Parl., i passim; Tylor's Anahuac; Trigueros, Mem. Ramos Munic. Guanaj., Mem Gob., 1871; Nuevo Viaj. Univ., iii. 208-11, 214-36; Noriega, Estadíst. Depart. Mex., passim, in Mex., Anales Min. Fom. Ind. Agric., tom. i.; Wilson's Mex. and its Relig., 88-93, 280-91, 308-47; Id., Mex. and Peasants, passim; Lerdo de Tejada, Apunt. Hist., no. v., 309-13; Loreto, Mission Records, MS.; Poinsett's Notes on Mex., i., passim; Pensador Mex., sup.; Clark's Mex. and U. S., MS., 14-37; Perry's Travels, 12-69; Norman's Rambles, 13-178, 199-215; Correo, Semanario, i. 1-16, 123, 131-41, 175-6, 379-80; Geiger's Peep at Mex. N. Am Review, xiv. 427-9; xxxii. 337-40; Tempskey's Journey, 10-12, 42 3, 165-70, 200-3, 235-6; Taylor, Bayard, El Dorado, ii. 144 57; Putman's Mag., iv. 310-19; Robinson's Mex. Rev., ii. 136-54; Reid's Scout Exped., 21-123, passim; Linati, Costumes Civ., 1-48; Price, Trip, 22-13; Mason's Pict. Life in Mex.; Pimentel, Econ. Pol., 47-109, 172-99; Mayer's Mex., passim; Molinero del Cerro, Cartas, Mex., 1808, pp. 403; Mexicanische Zustände aus den Jahren, 1830-2, i., passim; Burkart, Mex., i. 49-61, 152-76, 254 77; Mex., Typen and Skisson, 77-139, 157-214; Boyuslawski, Deutsche Col., 21-37; Haven's Our Next Door Neighbor, 25-35, 55-85, 287-417; Hardy's Travels in Mex., 1-82, 320-540; Baz, Ley de 12 Jul. 1859; Barnard's Isth. Tehuan., 217-28; Bullock's Six Months in Mex., i, passim; Huasteca, Not. Estad., 32-62; Cabrera, Huasteca, 86-119; Peza, Benef. en Mex., Mex., 1881, pp. 201; Pinart, Col.; Tolerancia Relig., Mex., 1831, pp. 59; Girard, Excurs., 60-82; Zamacois, Hist. Mex., with refer-ence to the index; Beulloch, Mex., ii. 292-321; Masson, Olla Pod., 118-25, 308-14, 353-79; 469-79; Wortley's Travels, passim; Blazquez, Cazador Mex., Puebla, 1868, p. 431; Моra, Rev. Mex., 62-75, 92-130, 160-8; Рacheco, Let. Mex., 37-46; Mayer's Mex. Azt., ii., passim; Rivera, Gob., ii, passim; Dis-turnell, Influence of Climate, etc.; Davila, El Toro, i. 166 et seq.; ii. 403-68; Ober's Travels in Mex., 253-68, 683-8; Hobbs' Life in Far West 169-215; Hardman's Frontier Life, 249-92; Portilla, Esp. en Mex., 263-76; Gray's Mex., 20-154; Orizava, Ocurr., 16-65; Medina y Orméhea, Proyec. Estah. Rég. Pen-iten., Mex., 1881, Pp. 169; Dunn's Guat., 38-53; Hernandez y Daválos, ii. 305-7; Igles. y Convent. Mex., 230, 245-77, 348 50: Bienes, Ecles. Disertac., Мех., 1833, рр. 87; Id., Mex., 1834, pp. 39; Мunguia, Pastorales, nos. ii.-iv.; Bustamante, Voz de Patria, i.-iv., passim; Id., Hist. Sta Anna, 26-77; Frost's Incidents, 141-79; Isabel la Catól. Instit. Orden., pp. 19; Furber's Volunteer, 212-41, 333-6, 436; Ferry's Vag. Life, 5-344; Garza Ballesteros, Informe Gen. Zacual., MS. . 1-90; Covarrubias, Instruc. Pub. Mex., 3-197; Gonzalez, Mem. Gen. de Divis., 1877, 81-153; Mex., Leg., ii. 202-5; Kendall's Tex. and S. Fé Exped., ii. 11-406; Martin Précis, 39-83; Ferry, Vie Mex., 1-325; Mex., Provid. Dioces., MS., 488-90; Martinez, El Pontíf., 1-158; Testimonio á la letra Hosp. S. Andrés, Mex., 1848, pp. 22; Arroniz, Viaj., 118-75; Ferriz, Expos., Mex., 1859, pp. 29; Affairs in Mex., MS., 1883, 8-12; Aspiroz, Cód. de Estran., Mex., 1876, pp. 321; Chevalier, Mex., 450-71, 547-603; Charney, Cités et Ruines, 137-58, 189 203, 489-511 Arreglo de l Univ. y Col., Mex., 1855, pp. 89; Olmedo, Mem., S. L. Potosí, 1876, Pp. 114; Otero, Ensayo, Mex., 1842, pp. 136; Morales, Désertac., Mex., 1831, pp. 59; Cavo, Tres Siglos, iii. 345-77; Arrillaga, Recop., i. 208, 237, 364; Mora, Obras Sueltas, i., passim; Chateaubriand, Voyayes, 219-24; Ortega, Mem. Embriaguez, Mex., 1847, pp. 72; Almaraz, Comis. Cient. Pachuca, 79-185; Trejes, Mem. Hist. Cong. Jal, Guad., 1879, pp. 135; Cuballero. Hist. Alm., Mex., 1884, pp. 377; Cero, Lo; Ceros, Mex., 1882, pp. 370, containing biographical sketches of some of the most prominent Mexican