Great Britain, see England.
Grijalva, J. de, exped. of, 1518, i. 15-30; return to Cuba, i. 30; reception, etc., i. 31-2; dismissal of, i. 32; character, i. 33-4; compared with Cortés, i. 55-6; meets Montezuma's servants, i. 112-13; Montezuma hears of, i. 113-14; commands Garay's fleet, 1523, ii. 103; surrenders Garay's fleet, ii. 112-13; works of, ii. 188-9.
Grillo, Cerro del, engagement at, 1811, iv. 308.
Guadalajara, City, founding of, ii. 386-7; arms of, ii. 367; Alvarado dies at, 1541, ii. 501-2; fortified, 1541, ii. 502-3; besieged, 1541, ii. 502-4; site of, changed, 1541-2, ii. 504, 546-7; capital of Nueva Galicia, ii. 548; see of, ii. 601; iii. 692; audiencia of, iii. 543; cathedral of, iii. 692; captured by Torres, iv. 207; Hidalgo's reception at, 1810, iv. 231-2; audiencia reorganized, iv. 234; Hidalgo's edicts at, iv. 234; printing-press, etc., at, iv. 235; military preparations, iv. 2356; reception of Calleja and Cruz, 1811, iv. 259; proclamations at, iv. 260; action of audiencia, iv. 260-1; of eccles. chapter, iv. 261; of university, iv. 261; junta de segurridad, iv. 262; junta de caridad, etc., iv. 262; mint at, 1813, iv. 537; revolution at, 1821, iv. 715; disaffection in, 1823, v. 6-8, 13-14; pronunciamiento at, 1846, v. 297; revolt at, 1851, v. 607-9, 613; plan of, v. 609; mutiny at, 1858, v. 7356; captured by Degollado, 1858, v. 748; evacuated, v. 749; Uraga's attack on, 1860, v. 782; captured by Ortega, 1860, v. 790; by Bazaine, 1863, vi. 122; abandoned by imperialists, 1866, vi. 257; university founded at, 1791, vi. 634. Guadalajara, Intendencia, map of, iv. 303.
Guadalupe de los Reyes, mine, yield of, vi. 514.
Guadalupe Hidalgo, treaty of, v. 539-43.
Guadalupe, Nuestra Señora de, apparition of, 1531, ii. 403-8, church erected, ii. 406; painting of, ii. 406-8; banner of, iv. 119. Guadalupe, Order, iv. 779-80; v. 637-8; 667.
Guadalupe, Society, overtures to Calleja, iv. 497.
Guadalcázar, Marques de, 13th viceroy, 1612, iii. 21; rule, iii. 24-8; transferred to Peru, iii. 28; character, iii. 28.
Guadalcázar, Town, name, iii. 27-8.
Guajicar, Cacique, revolt of, 1538, ii. 463-4.
Guanajuato, maps of, iii. 443; iv. 124; mining in, iii. 588-9; vi. 507, 512; revolution in, 1811, iv. 323; 1313, iv. 515-17, 522-5; 1815-16, iv. 656-7; 1821, iv. 713-14; insurgent movements in, 1811, iv. 338-9; campaigns in bajío of, 1812, iv. 384-6, 393-4; map of bajío. iv. 385; Iturbide's campaign in, 1814, iv. 591.
Guanajuato, City, founded, 1554, ii. 596, 762; San Ignacio de Loyola patron saint of, iii. 117-8; Jesuit college at, iii. 427; hist, of, iv. 130-3; coat of arms, iv. 132; capture of, 1810, iv. 133-57; descript. of, iv. 138-40; sack of, iv. 155-7; ayuntamiento, iv. 164-5; mint, estabd. iv. 166; recaptured, 1810, iv. 21628; plan of, iv. 218; proclamation at, iv. 225; executions at, iv. 225-8; amnesty at, iv. 227-8; govt, reorganized, iv. 228; depopulation of, iv. 229; Garcia's attack on, 1811, iv. 33S; raid on, 1315, iv. 657; Mina's attack on, 1317, iv. 679-80; occupied by Iturbide, 1821, iv. 713-14; the Paredes revolt, 1848, v. 549-50; pronunciamientos at, 1850-1, v. 602; French occupation of, 1863, vi. 119.
Guatemala, embassy from visits Cortés, ii. 103-4; Alvarado's invasion of, ii. 104-5, 127; claims on Chiapas and Soconusco, vi. 454-5.
Guatulco, Guerrero captured at, 1S30, v. 97-8.
Guayangarco, see Valladolid.
Guaymas, Raousset's attack on, 1854, v. 685.
Güero, G. de, gov. of Yucatan, 1633, iii. 156-7.
Guerra, A. de, bishop of Michoacan, 1591-5, ii. 693.
Guerra, G., biog., iii. 20; archbishop, 1607, iii. 20; 12th viceroy, 1611, iii. 20-21; death of, 1612, iii. 21-23.
Guerra, J., 'Historia,' iv. 65-6.
Guerrero, maps of, iii. 463; v. 526; vi. 191; state of, organized, 1847, v. 526-7; revolt in, 1854, v. 646-52; 1877, vi. 438.