Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/775

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Tututepec, Alvarado's exped. to, ii. 42; revolt at, ii. 74.
Tuxpan, surrendered by the French, 1866, vi. 254.
Twiggs, Gen., capture of Monterey, v. 377-8, 383-6; forces, 377; battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 452, 455-7; of Churubusco, v. 483; of Chapnltepec, v. 507, 510.
Tyler, President, Texan policy, v. 337.
Tzintzuntzan, occupied by Spaniards, etc., ii. 52-3; declared a city, 1593, ii. 774-5; arms of, ii. 775.


Ugarte, J. do, intendente of Guadalajara, 1791, iii. 455.
Ulloa, D. de, bishop of Michoacan, 1598-1602, ii. 693.
Ulúa, see San Juan de Ulúa.
Umbría, Pilot G. de, conspires against Cortés, i. 177; mutilated, i. 179; exped. to Zacatula, i. 321.
United Mexican Mining Co., operations, etc., of, vi. 507.
United States, complications with, iii. 488, 491; iv. 33; condition of the, 1778-1800, iv. 9-11; aid sought from, by revolutionists, 1811, iv. 268, 271; filibusters from, 1813, iv. 542-3; treaties with, 1828-32, v. 48-9; the Texan question, v. 151-2, 155, 163-4, 322-44; claims of, v. 247-8; vi. 442-4; war threatened with, 1846, v. 295-6; policy of, 1846, v. 301-2; causes of war with, v. 307-44; claims paid to, v. 320; war preparations, v. 335, 339-40, 343-4; war with, v. 346-548; treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, v. 530-43; recognition of Juarez, 1859, v. 765; the McLane-Ocampo treaty, 1859, v. 773-5; armed intervention of, 1860, v. 778-9; attitude of, 1861-6, vi. 21-4, 99-100, 180-1, 206-7, 234; demand withdrawal of French troops, vi. 208-9; relations with Mex., etc., 1854-83, vi. 356-7, 442-7; treaty with Mex., 1883, vi. 447; 1884, vi. 456.
United States of Mexico, name adopted, v. 17.
Upshur, secretary, the Texan question, v. 333-5.
Uraga, Gen. J. L., revolt in Guadalajara, 1851, v. 609-10; arrest of, 1855 v. 670; operations, etc., 1860. v. 781-2; 1863, vi. 118, 122-4; quarrel with Arteaga, vi. 163.
Uralia, capture, etc., of, 1863, vi. 118.
Urdaneta, F. A. de, exped. to Philippines, 1564, ii. 599-600.
Urepetiro, battle of, 1811, 247-8.
Urquidi, J. M., minister of finance, 1853, v. 616.
Urrea,Gen., operations, etc., in Texas, 1836, v. 169-71; pronunciamiento of, 1838, v. 207; defeat at Acajete, v. 211-12; escape, etc., v. 214; revolt of, 1840, v. 220-4; operations, 1847, v. 437-8.
Urrutia, V., schemes of, 1808, iv. 45, 49-50.
Ursúa y Arizmendi, M. de, gov. of Yucatan, iii. 163; operations against Itzas, 1697, iii. 163.
Urtariz, Lieut J B. de, command of, at Las Cruces, iv. 179.
Usagre, M., with Cortés' exped., i. 69, 370.
Utatlan, embassy from, visits Cortés, 1522, ii. 103-4.


Vaccination, introduced, 1803, iii. 757. Valdelomar, B. P., gov. of Yucatan, 1800, v. 84.
Valderrama, Licentiate, reception at Mex., 1563, ii. 383-4; charges against officials, ii. 387; royal visitador, ii. 577; instructions to, ii. 586; doubles Indian tribute, ii. 586-7; report to king, 1564, ii. 587-9; reforms commended by, ii. 589; reorganizes audiencia, 1566, ii. 614.
Valdés, Lieut B., plot of, 1824, v. 54-5. Valdés, F., plot of, 1811, iv. 264. Valdivia, shipwreck, etc., of, 1512, i. 82; ii. 429-30.
Valdivieso, J. de, feud with M. Cortes, 1565, ii. 605-6.
Valencia, Friar M. de, missionary exped. of, 1523-4, ii. 162-5; at Santo Domingo, 1524, ii. 164-5; inquisitor, ii. 165; reception by Cortés, ii. 165-6; holds chapter, ii. 167-8; character of, ii. 185-6; death of, ii. 186.
Valencia, Gen., victory at Acajete, 1839, v. 211-12; revolution of, 1841, v. 229-30; revolt against Santa Anna, 1844-5, v. 275; insubordination of, v. 474-5; defeat at Padierna, 1847, v. 475-80.