more than once groaned aloud by the side of those premature and sorrowful graves. And although thirty-five long years have flown away on the wings of Time since those eventful days, and my hair is grey, in my mind’s eye I have not finished gazing upon that mournful scene of sorrow.
It was satisfactory to find, by the arms and accoutrements of the enemy left on the field, that we had been punishing the fiends of several mutinous regiments; and as to the weapons of the Auxiliaries, no notice was taken of them, except that they were collected in loads and destroyed, together with the muskets of the Sepoys.
Not once since the commencement of hostilities in this part of the country had the rebels received such a drubbing. They had been driven back on all sides, and routed without a prospect of being rallied; while their casualties in killed and wounded were enormous. Still, they kept up the “game of brag” by increasing their defiant salutes more than ever!
Campaigning affairs, like all human affairs, are in continual rotation; and this truism was here again verified by a swarm of rebels whiriing round once more to a town named Tanda, and establishing chains of “military posts” there, as connecting links with the insurgents at Belwa.
With Oudh in a revolutionary blaze; Azimghur, the adjoining district, invaded by Kuer Singh’s rebel army; and Gorukpūr itself, offering comparatively a safe and central asylum, fast filling with marauding bands of