siderable number of the Corps, in the flower of their youth or. manhood, had lost their lives, while a larger number still shed their blood, in helping to crush a Mutiny that in unparalleled treachery, and tragical infamy, has indelibly tarnished, and for ever blood-stained, one of the saddest pages in the saddest annals of the whole world; and over the ever-lamentable record of which, alas! the veil of oblivion can never be drawn.
Finally, in memory of my departed comrades who died in the Bengal Yeomanry Cavalry, it remains to be said that, though their deeds of glory are not blazoned in letters of gold, the imperishable records of the memorable campaign, in which they lost their youthful lives, enshrine the sacred death-roll commemorative of their devoted services, and tend to immortalise the patriotic devotion by which that famous Corps was animated, while passing through an ordeal as terrible as any that ever tested the daring audacity, and unyielding endurance of what may be called, a handful of dauntless and uncompromising Volunteers.