their part plausibly played out, with a coolness and nonchalance characteristic of their race, they unanimously proclaimed the escape of the rebels, and in confirmation of their statement voluntarily offered to point out the deserted rebel lair! Of course this unexpected and doubtful news at once aroused an excitement and commotion that soon culminated in a general rush of armed men to the indicated spot, where were found proofs of a recent encampment, and a few dead horses corroborative of the news.
It is needless to describe the rage and indignation that prevailed in the camp, when it was discovered that every man in the expedition had been fooled and duped to hunt for rebels who had already crossed the Kose, and fled during that night when those loud and protracted shouts were heard in the jungles; and so, it will suffice to say, this jungly melodrama, in the end, confirmed the suspicions that had rested on our “allies” as to their having been “charmed” by the plundered treasure of the mutineers, and thus — shall I say it? — that “golden wand,” wafted them into thin air!
We were now off on another flying march, and for days together literally lived in the saddle, and rode until our horses were fagged well-nigh to death. But this sweeping and rattling ride — dogging the trail of the fugitives — had the desired effect in pacifying apprehensions among the European community of the neighbouring districts, and restoring confidence in a part of the country where alarm, bordering on panic, had already begun to exhibit itself uncomfortably.