succession continned to plough into the walls and curtains of the fort, no breach or any aperture could be discerned in it. But listen to the bugles ringing out the advance, and now see Jack Tar responding to their call by galloping up his guns to a murderous range; and then the bombardment commenced in right good earnest.
Meanwhile the Marines and Sikhs, pushing on in skirmishing order, trod down all opposition, gained the outskirts of the village, broke through the resistance offered there, and with a final rush drove out the insurgents at the point of the bayonet. Belwa was won, but not its fort. Though the bombardment continued with unabating fury, no serious impression could be made on the stronghold; and long after dusk, in the hellish glare that now and again burst out from the explosions of the infernal missiles hurled at and from the fort, the rebels were visible lining the ramparts in crowds. Secure within strong defences, and outnumbering the Brigade by at least five to one, they could well afford to display a daring tenacity worthy of the old days, when they so courageously fought on behalf of the East India Company.
Darkness frustrated further efforts; and it was as well that it did so, for it had been amply proved that the strength of the Brigade was altogether insufficient to effect its object. If an attempt had been made to capture the place by storm, a tremendous sacrifice of human life must have occurred; and if the attempt had ended in failure, the consequences would inevitably