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volunteering in india

road that passed through it may be termed the key-route to the southern districts. In its front were boundless plains dotted with hamlets and fields. On its right a vast stretch of open country commanded the approaches in that direction; while on its left the land was as flat as a pancake, and continued so until at length it disappeared, as it were, to the eye in the distance, as far as the horizon. Such, in brief outline, was the nature of the surrounding country wherein the tents of the Brigade were pitched, and where we awaited the onset of the rebel hordes.

As regards the precautions that were deemed necessary for the protection of the camp, I need only mention that nothing seemed omitted for safeguarding it. Outposts were stationed, pickets outlying and inlying planted, patrolling squads formed; in a word, everything was done to render its critical position safe.

Nothing however occurred until early morn on March 5th, when, as the troops were busy looking to their arms and ammunition, for the eternal bellowing of the enemy’s guns had put them considerably upon their mettle, tidings were brought that the rebels were advancing in great force. So that, after all, our retreat from Belwa resulted, as anticipated, in enticing the miscreants to venture an encounter with us in the field; and as they now approached, the Brigade moved out in readiness to welcome them, and formed up for action thus: the guns, well horsed and manned by the bold sons of Neptune (naval warriors of H.M.S.