behind the village, and the thin line of their front ranks by which we were decoyed. It was now too late to check the headlong rush, and had it been attempted, in the confusion that doubtless would have followed, the destruction of the whole squadron would probably have been the result. No sooner therefore were these numerous assailants disclosed than the Colonel thundered forth. Charge! And the next moment a stream of musketry, like a sheet of fire, met us with terrible effect, and literally cut down a section of the squadron, and encumbered the spot where this withering volley was received, with men and horses struggling in dying agony.
But nothing could daunt the remnant of that devoted band, and seeing their comrades fall, with wild enthusiasm and sabres flashing in the blazing sunshine, they plunged in among the enemy with an ardour that could not be resisted; and then followed a scene which to this day has not faded from the memories of those who saw it — a scene of dare-devil enterprise, which my feeble pen would fail to describe with adequate force, and tragical effect.
In an area of Heaven knows how many square yards, the killed and wounded lay crowded together as they had fallen; while some of the latter, having been blown off their horses when within a few yards of the muskets, with their “garments” — yes, reader, garments (for many of us, in contempt for dress, were fighting in shirt sleeves) — on fire, were unable to move; others fell and died without a groan; others, weltering