sale”; and it was only when a cannon-ball, like a friendly messenger from the approaching Brigade, suddenly hummed over our heads, that these desperadoes were startled into a retreat, and flinging themselves into the adjoining ravines, they soon disappeared in and among the deserted villages beyond.
This brilliant and bloody encounter marks, in the reddest of letters, a page in the annals of Volunteering. And I could transcribe from my memoranda a few notes on the heroic deeds that were done by many of my comrades during that desperate day; but those deeds need no comment here now, and are hallowed by my silence. This encounter also having terminated the struggle of the day, I once more for all quote from Brigadier Rowcroft’s gazetted despatch (No. 241, dated April 19th, 1858), wherein the following paragraph is recorded, which speaks for itself:—
“I ordered Colonel Richardson, in command of the right (Squadron Bengal Yeomanry Cavalry, to move from my right flank, and charge this body of the enemy. The squadron, under its gallant leader, made a noble home charge; and though they came upon a larger body of the enemy behind a village, and the Sepoys made desperate resistance, nothing stopped this brave Cavalry, and they cut down and killed great numbers, and captured an eighteen-pounder gun with limber; and the enemy were completely dispersed.”