Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/118

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be fully purſuaded that the European dreſſes, which he ſaw in the boats from the Admiralty Iſlands, were collected from the wrecks of the veſſels formerly under the command of La Pérouſe.

Commodore Hunter is at preſent upon his return home to England, from whence he will probably tranſmit a more circumſtantial account of this affair to France.

From his own experience in approaching the Admiralty Iſlands, the Engliſh Commander thinks that any veſſel intending to ſail thither ought to endeavour to get early into its latitude, in order to avoid being carried away by the currents, which ſet to the eaſt with prodigious ſtrength.

(Signed)Preaudet, Maſter of the Jaſon.

Iſle de France, 6th Nov. 1791.
Report delivered by Pierre Magon Lépinay, Maſter of the Maria Helena, from Batavia, to Saint-Felix, Commander of the Naval Forces of France in the Indian Seas.

The commander and officers of the Sirtus Engliſh frigate, after being ſhipwrecked off Norfolk Iſland, were carried to Botany Bay, from whence they ſailed in a ſmall Dutch veſſel for Batavia, where they arrived towards the latter
