Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/182

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of a reddiſh colour and aſtringent taſte, which is uſed for medicinal purpoſes. We likewiſe collected ſeveral ſpecies of philadelphus, the bankſia integrifolia, a new ſpecies of epacris, &c.

On the ſea-ſhore we met the ſervant of Citizen Riche, greatly delighted with having ſhot a few birds, which he was carrying to his maſter. This man, who had but juſt recovered from a fit of illneſs, was ſtill upon the liſt of the ſurgeon of the Eſperance, who thought he had a right to what his patient had ſhot; but neither the threat of being purged, nor even that of being put upon ſpare diet could make him give up a ſingle bird. The ſurgeon too kept his word; for he made him ſwallow a purgative and put him upon a ſpare regimen. The ſervant, having learnt by melancholy experience the conſequences of diſobeying the Doctor, always ran away as faſt as he was able, whenever he eſpied him in any of his ſhooting excurſions afterwards.

After having directed our route for ſome time to the north-eaſtward, we arrived before night at the coaſt directly oppoſite to our veſſels. We expected to be immediately taken on board, as we had been promiſed that a boat ſhould be ſent to fetch us, as ſoon as we wanted one. This might have been done in five minutes; but we were obliged to wait two hours on the ſhore. It would
