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Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/20

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report of its joint Committees of Agriculture, Commerce, and the Marine, decrees,

"That the King be petitioned to iſſue orders to all the ambaſſadors, reſidents, conſuls, and agents of the nation, to apply, in the name of humanity, and of the arts and ſciences, to the different Sovereigns at whoſe courts they reſide, requeſting them to charge all their navigators and agents whatſoever, and in what places ſoever, but particularly in the moſt ſoutherly parts of the South Sea, to ſearch diligently for the two French frigates, the Bouſſole and the Aſtrolabe, commanded by M. de la Pérouſe, as alſo for their ſhips' companies, and to make every inquiry which has a tendency to aſcertain their exiſtence or their ſhipwreck; in order that, if M. de la Pérouſe and his companions ſhould be found or met with, in any place whatſoever, they may give them every aſſiſtance, and procure them all the means neceſſary for their return into their own country, and for bringing with them all the property of which they may be poſſeſſed; and the National Aſſembly engages to indemnify, and even to recompenſe, in proportion to the importance of the ſervice, any perſon or perſons who ſhall give aſſiſtance to thoſe navigators, ſhall procure intelligence concerning them, or ſhall be inſtru-
