Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/33

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Stay at Amboyna—A Cabin-Boy belonging to the Recherche is accidentally drowned—Viſit to the Governor—Different Excurſions into the Interior of the Iſland—One of the Naturaliſts falls dangerouſly ill—Deſcription of his Diſorder—Agreeable Liquor furniſhed by the Sago Palm—Sugar extracted from it—Uſes of the different Parts of that valuable Tree—Means by which the Flying Dragon ſuſtains itſelf in the Air—Explanation of Maté, which preſerves the Crops from being plundered—A Dutch Sailor flees into the Woods for Fear of being ſent to Batavia—Dextrous Manner of catching the Cancer Carcinus—Cabins of the Natives of Amboyna—Their Cloathing, &c.—Their Method of procuring Fire; and of Fiſhing in the Night—Culture of Nutmegs and Cloves—A long Bamboo cut ſo as, with a briſk Gale, to emit a very agreeable Sound—Fiſheries of the Inhabitants—A Sago-Work—Extraction of its Fæculæ—Diſeaſes common at Amboyna—Various Reflections on the Iſland and Its Inhabitants page 338
Departure from Amboyna—Singular Effect of the Tales—View of different Iſlands—Ravages on board, by the Species of Cockroach, called Blatta Germanica—Run along the South-Weſt Coaſt of New Holland—
