Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 2 (Stockdale).djvu/101

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for its current is sufficiently rapid to repel the water of the sea, and prevent its mingling with the stream.

On the 24th, about half after eleven in the morning, we anchored in Adventure Bay, in eleven fathoms water, on a bottom of mud mixed with a small portion of sand.

The nearest shore bore from us south-east, distant five furlongs, and Penguin Island north 51° east.

Immediately a boat was dispatched, to see whether it were easy to furnish ourselves with water toward the north-west, at the place pointed out by Captain Cook, in the plan which he has given of this bay. The east-south-east winds, however, occasioned a very troublesome surf there, which induced us to prefer a place to the south-east; but we found that the water procured there was a little brackish; which proved, that it was taken from a place too low, and too near the sea.

This bay being open to the east and south-east winds, they sometimes occasion a heavy swell on the western shore, which, tending thither from all sides, render it somewhat difficult to land.

During the time we remained at anchor, I made excursions into the adjacent country everyday;