We | Yta |
We two | Yta oua |
Walk | Momiho |
Wind (the) | Matangui |
Y. | |
Yawn (to) | Mamao, mamaoya |
Yellow | Mélo |
You | Coé, haé, hé |
Yesterday | Anéafi |
Yes | Io, hio |
Numerical Terms. | |
One | Taha |
Two | Oua |
Three | Tolou |
Four | Fa |
Five | Nima |
Six | Ono |
Seven | Fidou |
Eight | Valou |
Nine | Hiva |
Ten | Ongofoulou |
To count 20 they repeat the numbers from 1 to 9 inclusive; and when they come to 20 they express it by oua foulou (twice 10); to count 30, after having reckoned 20 in the manner just mentioned, they begin again at 1 and count to 9: thus, tatra, oua, tolou, fanima, ono, fidou, valou, hiva; and to express 30 they say, tolou ongofoulou (three limes 10); to reckon 40 they repeat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; and to express 40 they say faongo foulou (four times 10); thus 50, nima ongofoulou; 60, ono ongofoulou; 70, fidou ongofoulou; 80, valou ongofoulou; 90, hivo ongofou-