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stratagems used to get jewels from thence, by merchants throwing joints of raw meat down into the valley. The diamonds upon which they fall adhere to them; and the eagles, lured by the smell of the meat, carry it to their nests to feed their young, when the merchants frighten away the eagles, and take the diamonds.

I picked up some of the largest diamonds I could find, which I carefully put into a little bag, and fastened it to my girdle. I then selected the largest piece of meat in the valley, which I tied to my waist with the cloth of my turban, and then lay down upon my face to wait the descent of the eagles. They were not long in coming, and one of the strongest having pounced upon the meat upon my back, flew with me to tho nest on the top of the mountain. The merchants began shouting to frighten the eagles, and when they had obliged them to quit their prey, one of them came to the nest where I was.

I told them my story, and they were equally surprised at my expedient to save myself and my courage to attempt it. Having carried me to the place where they sheltered themselves, I opened tho bag, and they declared, that in all the courts where they had been they had never seen any diamonds of equal size and lustre. I desired the merchant, to whose nest I had been carried to take as many as he pleased, but he contented himself with one of the least, declaring it was of sufficient value to make his fortune.

The merchants having gathered together their diamonds, wo left the place on the following morning, and crossed the mountains till we arrived at a port where we took shipping, and landed on the isle of Roha, where the trees grow that yield camphor. Here I exchanged some of my diamonds for other merchandise, and from thence we set sail for Balsora, and continued my journey over land to Bagdad; and onco moro arrived in my native city. I gave great alms to the poor and lived there for some time.

Thus Sindbad ended the history of his Second Voyage; and presenting Hindbad with another purse, desired him to return on the following day.


The pleasures and comforts I now enjoyed made me forget my past difficulties. I was still in the prime of life, was of an active disposition, and had a great desire to see new curiosities, so I very soon resolved upon a third voyage, and with a cargo of the richest merchandiso of Egypt I once more took shipping at the port of Balsora.