Page:Voyages and travels of Sindbad the sailor (3).pdf/11

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After we had been at sea some weeks we were overtaken by a dreadful storm, which almost tore the vessel to pieces. We beat about several days, and at last were obliged to cast anchor before an island, from which the captain had vainly endeavoured to steer. He now informed us, that this and several other neighbouring islands were inhabited by savages, covered with hair, who would speedily attack us in great numbers; and that if we offered to make the least resistance they would come upon us in swarms and destroy us without mercy.

We soon found the captain's information to be true; for a multitude of frightful savages, about two feet high, and covered

all over with red hair, came swimming towards us, and boarded our ship, chattering a language of which we could not comprehend a word. In an instant they took down our sails, cut