Page:Vulnerable Adults Act 2018.pdf/18

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(b) any record kept by any person in subsection (1) and compiled in connection with a social services function,

so far as the record relates to an individual whom the Director or protector has reason to believe is a vulnerable adult and has experienced, or is experiencing or at risk of, abuse, neglect or self‑neglect, or the record relates to a vulnerable adult whom the Director or protector has reason to believe has experienced, or is experiencing or at risk of, abuse, neglect or self‑neglect.

(4) A person who gives information to the Director or a protector as directed under subsection (2) or gives the Director or a protector acting under subsection (3) access to a record—

(a) is not, by virtue of doing so, to be regarded in any proceedings before a court or tribunal or in any other respect to have breached any code of professional etiquette or ethics, or to have departed from any accepted form of professional conduct; and
(b) to the extent the person has acted in good faith, incurs no civil or criminal liability in relation to the giving of the information or access to the record.

(5) If a person—

(a) fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with a direction given to the person under subsection (2) or to give access to a record to the Director or a protector acting under subsection (3); or
(b) obstructs another person from complying with a direction given under subsection (2) to that other person,

the person shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.

(6) A person—

(a) who in compliance or purported compliance with a direction given under subsection (2) gives information to the Director or a protector; and