Page:Vulnerable Adults Act 2018.pdf/20

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(b) is of the view that such an order is necessary for the safety and protection of the vulnerable adult.

(5) In exercising the power under subsection (1), the Director or a protector may be accompanied by one or more relevant support persons to assist with the removal of a vulnerable adult, and may use such force as the Director or protector considers necessary to remove the vulnerable adult or to prevent another person from obstructing the removal of the vulnerable adult.

Committing vulnerable adult to place of temporary care and protection or to care of fit person

11.—(1) If a vulnerable adult is removed under section 10 from the place, the Director or a protector must—

(a) commit the vulnerable adult to a place of temporary care and protection or to the care of a fit person; and
(b) within 14 working days after the day of the removal, apply to a court under section 12 for an order under section 14 or 15, or apply for an order under subsection (2), unless the Director or protector earlier permits the vulnerable adult—
(i) to return to the place from where the vulnerable adult was removed; or
(ii) to return to the care of a family member or any other person whom the Director or protector considers competent to provide care and protection to the vulnerable adult, if the vulnerable adult has been assessed by a qualified assessor to lack the mental capacity to consent.

(2) If an application to a court cannot be made under section 12 for an order under section 14 or 15 within the time specified in subsection (1)(b), the Director or a protector must, within that specified time—

(a) apply to a court for the custody, charge and care of the vulnerable adult during the period before an application under section 12 is made and determined; and