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NO. 27 OF 2018

of the flat as defined under the Housing and Development Act (Cap. 129);
(c) for residence that is a lot in any subdivided building other than a subdivided building referred to in paragraph (a) or (b), means any person who is the registered proprietor in the land‑register under the Land Titles Act (Cap. 157) of the fee simple, estate in perpetuity or leasehold estate of that lot;
(d) for residence that constitutes premises which are not subdivided, means any person who is the registered proprietor in the land‑register under the Land Titles Act of the fee simple, estate in perpetuity or leasehold estate of those premises in the land‑register under the Land Titles Act; and
(e) for residence that constitutes premises not falling under paragraphs (a) to (d), means the person for the time being receiving the rent of the premises, whether on the person’s own account or as agent or trustee or as receiver, or who would receive the same if the premises were let to a tenant, and includes the person whose name is entered in the Valuation List prepared under section 10 of the Property Tax Act (Cap. 254) as the owner of the premises or a mortgagee in possession.

Expedited order

15.—(1) This section applies if an application is made in relation to a vulnerable adult for an order mentioned in section 14(1)(e), (f), (g) or (h), and the court is satisfied, on a balance of probabilities, that the vulnerable adult is experiencing, or is in imminent danger of, abuse, neglect or self‑neglect.

(2) The court may make the order (called in this Act an expedited order) even if—

(a) the application is not served on the person against whom an order mentioned in section 14(1)(e), (f), (g) or (h) is to be made (called in this section the respondent) or is not served on the respondent within a reasonable time before the hearing of the application; or