Page:Vulnerable Adults Act 2018.pdf/48

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Director or authorised officer may enter that place for the purpose of arresting that individual.

(3) In making an arrest under this section, the Director or authorised officer may use handcuffs or any other similar means of restraint on an individual to prevent the individual from—

(a) inflicting bodily injury to himself or herself, or others;
(b) damaging any property;
(c) creating any disturbance; or
(d) escaping from custody.

(4) The Director or an authorised officer making an arrest under this section must comply with sections 68, 75 and 76 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 68) as if he or she were a police officer.

(5) Any individual arrested under this section must be brought to a police station or a place of custody specified by the Minister, as soon as reasonably practicable, and may, if required by the Director, a police officer or an authorised officer be released on bail, or on the individual’s own bond, to appear before a Magistrate.

(6) The individual who is brought before a Magistrate’s Court under subsection (5) may—

(a) be ordered to be detained in custody until he or she can be tried; or
(b) if so required by the Magistrate, be released on bail, or on the individual’s own bond with surety, to appear before a Magistrate’s Court.

Search of arrested persons and power to seize offensive weapons

29.—(1) The Director or an authorised officer making an arrest under section 28 may exercise the powers under sections 78 and 79 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 68) as if he or she were a police officer.