Page:WHR Rivers - Studies in Neurology - Vol 2.djvu/96

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HI s'rrniKs in nkikolocv Sensalion. — She complains th;( tlio riglit lop nearly always sccins to hcv to be cold; Imii tlio left leg is never hot nor is it cold even in the winter. W'lun she (oiuhcs the rigiit leg it always apjH'ars to be coKlor than the left. But. apart fmni these symptoms, she is not troubled by any pain or other abnormal sensation. (it) Ix^ss of Painful Scii.'^ihilHif. — The i>rick of a pin eauscil no pain over the whole of the left leg and thigh as high as the level of the iliac crest. The boundary between sensitive and in.scnsitivo parts was clearly ilelineil, following the line marked upon Fig. 1 ll{. So sharp was this border that it made little or no dilTerence whether the ob.scrvations were made from tlio direction of normal to abnormal skin or vice versa. Fig. 113. To show the loss of sensibility to painful and thermal stimulation in Case 3. The border between the normal jjarts and those whic


h were completely insensitive was unusually well defined, corresponding to the caudal border of the eleventh thoracic segment. The algometer gave the following readings, showing that the parts insensitive to a prick were also insensitive to the pain of pressure. Rifjhl [)iiotor loss]. Stemo-clavicular joint . . . . 3 (pain) Palms . . . . . . . . 4 (pain) Lower ribs . . . . . . . . 2 (pain) Outer aspect of ileum close to ant. sup. si)irie . . . . . . 3-5 (pain) Front of thigh . . . . . . 4 (pahi) Inner aspect of knee . . . . 5 (pain ) Shin . . . . . . . . . . 2 (pam) Sole of foot . . . . . . . . 1-6 (pam) Left [annlge.sic and thenno-anaisthclic]. 3 (pain). 4 (pain). 2-5 (pain). 10 (pain). 14 (no pam). 15 (no pain). 11 (slightly uncomfortable). 12 ^ (micomfortable). ^ She complains of an uncomfortable tickling when the algometer is pressed on to the sole of the left foot, which greatly disturbs the readings. Sometimes this condition makes it impossible to test the sole of the left foot.