Page:Waes me for Prince Charly.pdf/3

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An' whar was't that your prince lay down,
Wha's hame should been a palace?
He row'd him in a highland plaid,
Which cover'd him but sparely,
An' slept beneath a bush o' broom—
Oh I waes me for prince Charly."

But now the bird saw some red coat,
An' he shook his wings wi' anger—
"Oh! this is no a land for me,
I'll tarry here nae langer."
He hover'd on the wing a while,
Ere he departed fairly;
But weel I mind the fareweel strain
Was, "Waes me for prince Charly."


Tarry woo, tarry woo,
Tarry woo is ill to spin
Card it weel, card it weel,
Card it well e'er ye begin
When 'tis carded, row'd and spun,
Then the wark is haflens done;
But when woven, drest and clean,
It may be cleading for a Queen.

Sing my bonny harmless sheep,
That feed upon the mountains steep;
Eating sweetly as they go
Through the winter's frost and snow;
Hart and hind, and fallow deer,

No by half so useful are;