doomed to the single life against their inclination, to say nothing of a large number of women who profess a preference for celibacy. Such a phenomenon is quite incomprehensible to the Eastern intelligence. The main function of woman, from Nature's decree, is reproduction, and this the Oriental accepts without hesitation. Infecundity is the worst misfortune that can befall a Turkish or Hindu wife. More wretched still is the state of celibacy, except when voluntarily adopted, as in the case of priestesses and saints.
Enforced continence for numbers of women, and prostitution, the twin evils inseparable from monogamy, are mitigated, if not entirely banished, in polygamous states. Lifelong virginity is practically unknown in the East. The social evil exists, but to a limited extent, and under different conditions from those prevailing in Christian monogamic societies.
"Sacred prostitution" was in reality a rite for the promotion of fertility. The paramours of the women in the Temple of Mylitta repeated the words, "May the goddess be auspicious to thee!" showing clearly that the ritual had a fecundating meaning. The forms of prostitution surviving in the East are plainly derived from old religious observance, and originally they were not of a mercenary or vulgar character, but of very sacred and serious import.
Among the Corinthians this practice began to lose its pious associations. The priestesses were ministers to