feminist movement in Turkey. Among our Suffragist leaders are a quite imposing number of women who are distinguished as scholars. Education in any and every class gives rise inevitably to "divine discontent." Very frequently the widening of knowledge brings an awakening of conscience and a quickening of the social instinct. Women who learn to think begin to feel more deeply; and reflection upon the evils of society leads to action.
The national temper in Turkey is conservative; but, as I have said, the Turk is always a willing listener to the ideas and the reformative proposals of foreigners. Despite tenacious traditions, the women of Turkey are feeling the influence of that fervent feminism that is inspiring the women of the West. There is, perhaps, more hope for Turkish women in this movement than for any of the women of Europe. And a reason for thinking so is based upon the modesty and reasonableness of their demands and the method pursued. Already men in Turkey are attentive to the arguments of cultivated women, and there is, as yet, no apparent masculine opposition.
The Young Turkey Party, in the opinion of Mrs. Garnett, advocates the emancipation of women. The Turk is pre-occupied with women, but this pre-occupation does not spell only one kind of interest. The great feminists among men are the great lovers of