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Page:Walter Matthew Gallichan - Women under Polygamy (1914).djvu/193

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pasha, and, rejecting her faith and all her traditions, enters the harem.

At ten years of age the girls purchased by the pasha enter the palace. The age of puberty in girls is reached in most Eastern countries at about eleven. Upon joining the houris, the novice is trained thoroughly in her duties. Various means are employed for developing and beautifying the body by means of diet, baths, and constant massage. This preparation for marriage lasts for about twelve months.

The elaborate massage gives to the skin the colour and velvety softness of a peach. Great attention is given to manicure and pedicure. The tresses are continually combed, oiled, and scented, and odorous pomades are used for the whole of the body.

Each group of six girls is attended by a young eunuch, who is instructed in his duties by an older eunuch.

Slave girls were formerly chosen in public once a year by the sovereign. A circular was published in the spring-time, announcing that about fifty girls are required from the age of twelve to eighteen. They were required to be pretty in features, well-shaped in figure, with copious, long hair. At an appointed hour the candidates assembled in an open space or market place, dressed in their finest garments.

The royal purchaser arrived upon the scene attended