to escape with her to a far corner of the country, or to a foreign land, and make her his wife. Allah has given many women to the rich. He needs money for his project. Even if he has no such plot concealed in his innermost bosom, he still loves baksheesh. Remember his life is in peril. The price must be high, if he is to abet in this daring business.
In spite of his cupidity, the lover rewards the eunuch to the full. No sum is too high a price for the winning of the beautiful Georgian maiden.
One day the girl is missed from the pasha's harem. The Chief Eunuch is distracted; his subordinates tremble. There is an inquiry. Probably there is the mysterious disappearance of an eunuch about the same time. Outside of the harem little or nothing is heard of the scandal. A week or so afterwards there is a quiet wedding in Paris between a wealthy young Frenchman and a charming lady of foreign extraction.
The kidnapping of men into the harem is contrived by the eunuchs at the instigation, and through the heavy bribery, of intrepid ladies suffering from extreme boredom. Wise persons in the East do not ask questions. Whatever happens, no matter how strange or staggering on the senses, do not say anything. Pass on as though nothing had happened out of the common course of daily affairs. Men go into the alleys. They are seen no more. Apparently the earth has gaped