brated "Book of Mormon." The trio of discoverers swore to the reality of the plates; but they were never shown to the converts, and in a short time the documents vanished and were never traced.
The credulity of the disciples of Joseph Smith may appear amazing. But the average human mind is curiously susceptible to the hypnotism of a positive personality, and there is no doubt that Smith possessed a compelling force, a supreme self-confidence, and the diplomacy of a born leader. He was, however, an insignificant light compared with his successor, Brigham Young, who raised Mormonism to the dignity of a vital faith swaying many thousands of minds.
Joseph Smith had several important revelations. He was instructed to start a bank, and he issued a number of bogus notes. This fraud enraged the "Gentiles," and led to an assault upon the prophet. Smith's influence was still further weakened by his licentious practices, which estranged some of his converts. The original "Book of Mormon" had not counselled plural marriage; but Joseph Smith had a new inspiration, and he began to teach polygamy as part of the creed of Mormonism. Setting an example to his followers, Smith lived with several women besides his legal wife.
The open teaching of polygamous marriage was an illegal offence. Joseph Smith was called to justice,