everything else, have undergone numerous changes and modifications through the ages of culture. At the present time the demand for greater facility for practical dissolution of marriage is one of the indications of dissatisfaction with the inevitability of indissoluble wedlock.
Marriage has always taken the form demanded by the mass of the people. Like all things human, the form has never been so perfectly adapted to the passions, predilections, and variational impulses of the race as to banish all discontent.
We live, indeed, only in the infancy of the finer ideals of sex-love. Lofty, poetic, and moral appreciation of the greatest dynamic of life is developing through an awakening consciousness that upon a recognition of the full significance of sex and its manifold phenomena depends, to an almost inconceivable extent, the progress of the race. To a few minds have come beautiful foreshadowings of a nobler estimate of love, potent to overcome the evil and the misery that spring more often from low ideals and ignorance than from depravity of heart.