Gyanendra Kumar Ray Chaudhuri, writing on "Hindu Love," says:—
"The primitive civilization and crude morality of the less advanced and educated Hindu are far better than any form of Western civilization. There is much in the East which the West should do well to adopt. Among the Hindus conjugal union is a thing to be kept inviolate as a sacred tie not to be dissolved even by death. The so-called emancipated and enlightened females should learn from their benighted sisters how sacred the relation is between husband and wife. In the estimation of the Hindu female it is invested with a heavenly grandeur which passes all description."
The same author writes of Hindu women:—
"Their chastity, their devotion, their love, are admired by all sensible men."
Many of the Hindu classic poets and romance writers extol passionate love, and marriage for love alone, which proves that, in the old days, more freedom of choice was permitted to lovers.