Page:Wandering young gentlewoman, or, The cat-skins' garland (1).pdf/4

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To work with her needle she could very well,
And for raising of paste, few could her excel;
She being very handy, the cook’s heart did win,
And then she was call‘d by the name of Cat-skin.


THIS Lady had a son both comely and tall,
Who often times used to be at a ball,
A mile out of town in an evening-tide.
To see the ball acted away he did ride.

Cat skins said to his Mother, Madam let me,
Go after your Son, this fine ball for to ree;
With that in a passion, this Lady flew,
Struck her with a ladle which she broke in two.

And being thus served she then went away,
And with a rich garment herself did array,
Then to see this ball with great speed did retire,
Where she danc’d so rarely, all did her admire.

The sport being done, the young ‘Squire did say
Young Lady, where do you live, tell me I pray?
Her answer was unto him, I will tell,
At the sign of the broken ladle I dwell.

She being very nimble, got home first tis said,
And with her Cat-skin robes she soon was array’d,
And into the kitchen again she did go,
But where she had been, none of them did know.

Next day the young Squire, himself to content,
To see the ball acted, away then he went;
She said, Pray let me go this ball for to see.
Then struck her with a skimmer & broke it in three

Then out of doors she ran with heaviness,
And with her rich garments herself then did dress
And to see this ball she ran away with speed,
And to see her dancing, all wonder’d indeed.