Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 1.djvu/11

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Work-perfecting Gŭnéshŭ! Salamut.
Two-mothered! One-toothed!
Portly-paunched! Elephant-faced Gŭnéshŭ!
Moon-crowned! Triple-eyed!
Thou who in all affairs claimest precedence in adoration!
Calamity-averting Gănésh!
Thou who art invoked on the commencement of a journey,
the writing of a book,
Oh! Gănésh, "put not thine ears to sleep[1]!"
"Encourage me, and then behold my bravery;
Call me your own fox, then will you see me perform
the exploits of a lion[2]!"
"What fear need he have of the waves of the sea,
who has Noah for a pilot[3]?"
First-born of Mahādēo and Parvutī!
God of Prudence and Policy!
Patron of Literature!
May it be said,
"Ah! she writes like Gănésh!"

  1. Oriental Proverbs and Sayings, No. 2.
  2. Ibid. No. 3.
  3. Ibid. No. 4.