Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 1.djvu/565

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"Nīm na mithā ho sech gar ghī se."

No. 19. "The nīm-tree (which is very bitter) will not become sweet, though watered with syrup and clarified butter."

"Tum ghī ke dīye jalāo."

20. "Light thou the lamp of ghī."

(Clarified butter.)

"Hawā ke ghore par sawār hain."

21. "He rides a steed of air."

"Chateaux d'Espagne."—To build castles in the air.

"Jā ko piyā chāhen wuhī suhāgan."

22. "She who is beloved is the wife."

"Kyā dam kā bharosā hai?"

23. "What reliance is there on life?"

"Bakht-i-bad bā kase ki yār bavad
Sag gazad gar shutur-sawār bavad."

24. "He who has ill luck for his companion will be bitten by a dog, although mounted on a camel."

"Bhūkhe se kahā do aur do kyā? kahā chār rotīyān."

25. "If you ask a hungry man how much two and two make—he answers Four loaves."

"Shirīn zabānī o lutf o khūshī Tu agar pīle bā mūe kashī."

26. "By sweet words and gentleness you may lead an elephant by a hair."

"Ghawās gar andeshah kunad kām-i-nihang
Hargiz na kunad dar girān-māyah."

27. "If the diver were to think on the jaws of the crocodile, he would never gather precious pearls."

"Kāle ke āge chirāgh nahīn jaltā."

28. "The lamp burns not before the black snake."

(Which is supposed to carry a precious jewel in its head.)

"Khatt pona to adhā mulākāt."

29. "A letter is half an interview."