MAJOR-GENERAL WADE HAMPTON. Major- General Wade Hampton was born in the city of Charleston, Soutk Carolina, in the year 1818. His father, Colonel Wade Hampton, was a dis- tinguished officer in the war of 1812 and an aide-de-camp to G< neral Jacksxm at the battle of New Orleans. He was an eminent and esteemed citizen of South Carolina, distinguished as an enlightened and liberal agriculturist, and greatly respected fir his elevated and pure character as a man. The mother of the subject of our sketch wa> Miss Anne Fitz Simmon?, daughter of Christopher Fitz Simmons, for many years a merchant of Char ton city. His grandfather was General Wade Hampton, a distinguished officer of the Revolution, and for a number of years a prominent citizen of South. Carolina. The pres ml Hampton, who, it will be seen, descended from a lour; line of military heroes, received his education at the South Carolina < '"liege, where he graduated, with much distinction, at a very early age. While yet quite a young man, he was married to th< t of Genera! Fr;,- ton, of Virginia, by which union he had three children — tin-in gallant young officers in the C miliurj name which they bear. The present wil teral Ha the onlj ivernor McDuffie, of South Carolina. to the present wm. time and atten- tion aim :id with much • ■ '1 in both br oee of Li which pi ion. H f the A!: th and the SoutA, oa, and, with pi I eharactcri-tie !il *r>U take an active and Hb'i.n; part in the first butt « attle, while gallant I promiiKat par. s around
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