S3 TB ful, though uncultivated mind, tioa fur his old commander; a i, thai lif Lad never fouud him urof the Revolution, Judge Johnston married Bfial Polly W of Patrick Henry, and one of the I If he had ohoeen his wife ohoec her gown, u for qualitiei ly have- made a happier selection. Mrs. John< 1 1 i t'«j for the ability with which . . .. aa Bhe had her peraona] They imily, -"ii- an I i -. all of persons i landing. Both parents paid the lr eduoa . and physical, as well as mental; a
- n the direction ol yonth ia entrnated.
_ . . ' :in complete mastery over tin ir all other.-, i is .it:al to human happinCCS; for the mind fire in th w >rld, is tl e beel J of tunica] of maal boh wag the youngest. "When yet ring 1 I a judge in Abingdon diatriot, • seph received the rudiments of •v of quick par;.-- and a bold and . : his life, he had an opportunity . be has since beeu distinguished lident he broke an arm. Most I in the loudest lamentation. Joseph, on miafortu noet heroic foi I !<• shed lie submitted t" the si the limb with lian, making not a wry face, and hi . With equal patience be bore the o his a 1 1 in every incidc ■ d with the ■• .. : his < ars. Y< i this eir- . i lie, and affords a key tu his trying' situations I in eau be I him to choose a i ; i I Nati rer, of an old perienoe in fcl i i dj of Q-reene he :. itural that lie should fei ml stirred wit! ind ol a trumpet. It is reasonable to suppose, also, thai . for a military early dis- covering the mid encourage b il incUua- ti i , ,;, L825, a cadet at the military academy of West Poi : time ia the very zenith of its reputation. His applica-