LIEUTENANT-GENERAL JOHN C. PEMBERTON. John 0. Pemborton was born in the city of Philadelphia, State of IVnnsyl- vania. He entered Weal PointasaGadet from that State in L833,and gradual on the 80th of Jane, 1887. On the 1st of Jnly, 1837, he waa appointed Second Lieutenant of the 1th Artillery, U. S. A., and waa promoted First Lieutenant on the 9th of March, 1842. Prom 1846 to 1848 he acted as Aide-de-Camp to Brevet Major-General Worth, in Mexico. He waa twice breveted for "gallant and meritorious conduct," during the war with Mexico — first at Monterey, nexf. at Molino del Ray. [mniediately upon the commencement of hostilities between the North and South, Qeneral Pemberton resigned his commission in the United States army and espoused the cause of the South. Hastening to Montgomery, he was at once tendered a position in the Southern army by President Davis.
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