88 THE WAR AND ITS HBBO command, General Smith bc^un a system of works that should completely en- the <-ity and render it impervxms to u at t :i<-k by land from any quarter. a I Muff, on the Yazoo, he regarded as an important position to occupy, and at once proceeded to erect fort at thai place and to obstruct the of the Yazoo river, thereby placing an effectual barrier between the enemy and the Valley of the Yaseo. Large forests were felled, forming heavy osible positions selected along the line between the IMuff and Vickaburg, a distance of about ten miles. All these positions lected the most carefnl examination, and the entire works planned and con- structed by General Smith himself, assisted by Captain, now Major, s II. Engineer, of the Department of Mississippi and Bast Louisiana. The unavailing efforts of the enemy to ascend the Yazoo and reduce our v. .! Snyder'.-, and his overwhelming and disgraceful defeat at Chickasaw Dgth of the fortilications and the judgment displayed in on of positions. The battle of Chickasaw Bayou was fought under his immediate eye and direction, and the result stamp- him a gallant officer and i worthy of the honorable position he holds. ] - all the requisite qualifications of a good soldier, a warm: atleman. His impulses are all noble and generous, and though i of manner, which, on firsl acquaimV en mistaken for hauteur and those who know him well, both equals and subordinates, id love him. Personally, ,- ur > t ta ouine court* -y alike adorning his character. With him the of our glorious can mount t any other COnsidei ■ r his arrival h Vioksburg, an incident occurred demonstrative of his patriotisi entire devotion to the interests committed to his charge [n replj toatele- ih from President Davis, loncern about Vicks- burg . i bal m for '. : - bu< ct ssful d< I .1 Smith replied: "* * * * More infant; ■< d and anotlier . whether ranking ux or not it im I umissioned a major-g ineral in November, L862 — a just t his distinguished
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