Page:War and the Christian Faith.pdf/27

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—but only position. Here is some thing existing in space which yet has no spatial measurement: credo quia impossibile. A Line is length without breadth; which is a thing utterly inconceivable. And so forth; the definitions seem contradictions, and yet we believe in them.

Now it is possible to look the universe in the face, to contemplate the mysteries and enigmas of life and death, of faith and belief, and say frankly, "I give it up. All I can say is that it seems to me a most infernal muddle, a sort of practical joke of a puzzle without any answer." This is the easiest way, but, somehow, men will not have it. A command that will not be denied compels them to reason about this life and the (presumed) life of the world to come. And it is probable that if the whole race of men "gave it up," came to believe that the