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A. D. 1720, &c.]

is the good of living maimed: [or, this infamous state,] so he tore out his tongue by the roots and died.[1] As soon as he was dead, as there was a waste pit there, they flung his corpse into it and cast earth and stones upon it. Then [Pavadapa Nayu] himself proceeded to Anantapuram.

This cruel murder[2] stared Pavadapa Nayu in the face: he ceased from meat and drink.[3]

18. Before these (Musulman) officers came from the "Mayana" [a title borne by the Nabob of Kadapa] there were some Telugu tumblers who came from Duradacuntla in Rayadurgam, to the Car-feast[4] in honour of Sangameswara, the god of Cuderu. They had erected their mast and were playing; among them there was a girl named Pennamma, who had but lately grown up, and who was remarkable for prettiness, grace, and elegance. [Pavadapa Nayu] saw her, and fell in love with her. He sent for her and kept her in the palace. Her father and mother came and said, we used to support ourselves by means of this girl: what orders will you give for our subsistence? Thereupon he looked out a place to the north west of Cudēru: in the Antara-Ganga land: he built a village named Muddulapuram: and he took part of the lands of Antara ganga, and of Ooracodu, and of Chola Samudram: which lands he assigned [to Muddulāpuram.] And he granted all the revenues[5] as a living[6] to these tumblers.

19. Pavadapa Nayu, being anxious to know how he could clear himself from the guilt of the murder, consulted bramins. They replied If you will perform a pilgrimage to [the holy shrine at] Gocarna[7] you will be pure. Accordingly he took with him Mallappa of the

  1. Suicide in all its forms is very common among the Hindus: and this is a method often mentioned.
  2. Lit: bramhatya; though the deceased was not a bramin.
  3. Like Charles IX. after the murders of St. Bartholomew.
  4. Radh’ otsavam or annual feast in honour of each local god. It is a fair, and frequented by players.
  5. Swarn-adayam denotes Income, Revenue, money paid for land as rent or tribute.
  6. Sarvamanyam. That is, land given free from all tax.
  7. A holy place, lying south of the Konkan.