Page:Watts Mumford--Whitewash.djvu/222

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yesterday, in which Miss Claudel, Mrs. Durham, Morton Conway, and that Valdeck participated."

"You have been gossiping with the servants, I see," commented her listener.

Mrs. Ford flushed, but continued, icily:

"Never mind how I secured my information; I have secured it—that is the principal thing. But from what I heard yesterday in several houses I expected some trouble. There are many unpleasant stories afoot concerning Victoria Claudel, and every one quotes you as authority."

Philippa groaned inwardly.

"Who told you such an extraordinary thing? I can guess, if the world can not. And it strikes me that your intimacy with Valdeck must have reached a remarkable pass before he would confide to you his love-affairs, real or invented. Now if you give Valdeck as authority for this scandal, the world will say what I have said. If you do not quote Valdeck, you must answer for the story yourself. Now what will you do?"

There was silence in the abode of beauty.

"There is only one way for you to clear the board. Get Morton to marry you at once, quietly,