uiet residence at home, will, in one word, be esteemed good service, and remunerated as such."
"I am not to be asked to affect the House of Life?" said the chemist.
"On the contrary, we will have thee hanged if thou dost," replied Varney.
"And I must," added Alasco, "have opportunity to do my turn, and all facilities for concealment or escape, should there be detection?"
"All, all, and everything, thou infidel in all but the impossibilities of alchemy. Why, man, for what dost thou take me?"
The old man rose, and taking a light walked towards the end of the apartment, where was a door that led to the small sleeping-room destined for his reception during the night. At the door he turned round, and slowly repeated Varney's question ere he answered it. "For what do I take thee, Richard Varney? Why, for a worse devil than I have been myself. But I am in your toils, and I must serve you till my term be out."
"Well, well," answered Varney hastily, "be stirring with grey light. It may be we shall not need thy medicine--do nought till I myself come down. Michael Lambourne shall guide you to the place of your destination." [See Note 7. Dr. Julio.]
When Varney heard the adept's door shut and carefully bolted within, he stepped towards it, and with similar precaution carefully locked it on the outside, and took the key from the lock, mut