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O tell me, my bonny young lassie,
O tell me the way for to woo;
O tell me, my bonny sweet lassie,
O tell me the way for to woo.
Say, maun I roose your red cheeks like the morning,
Lips like the rose when its moisten'd wi' dew
And say maun I roose your een’s pawky scorning
O tell me dear lassie the way for to woo.

O far hae I wander‘d, dear lassie,
To see thee I've sail,d the salt sea,
I’ve travell’d o’er muirlands and mountains,
And houseless lain cauld on the lea,
I never hae try’d yet to mak love to ony,
Never lov’d ony till ance I lov’d you:
Now we’re alane in the greeen wood sae bonny
Now tell me my dear lassie the way for to woo.

What care I for your wand’rings, laddie,
Or yet for your sailing-the sea?
It was nae for nought ye left Peggy,
My tocher it brought you to me.
An‘ say hae ye gowd for to busk me ay gaudy,

Wi’ ribbons an’ pearlins, an’ breast-knots anew